Domnul Dr. biol. Fernando Santos-Beneit, cercetător la Universidad de Valladolid, Spania, va sustine o serie de prelegeri legate de microbiologia aplicată în ingineria mediului și agricultură. Cursul se adresează studenților din domeniul Ingineriei Mediului (anul IV) în săptămâna 22-26 mai.

Teaching program:

– Applied microbiology for the industry and agriculture 
– Protein Engineering 
– Genetic Engineering 
– Recovery of plastic waste 
– Biotechnology of wastewater treatment 
– Alternative mechanisms of cell division in bacteria 
– Phosphate regulation in the antibiotic producers streptomycetes 
– Nutritional control of antibiotic resistance 

Dr. Fernando Santos-Beneit holds a PhD in Biology from the University of León, where he was awarded with the PhD Extraordinary Prize for the best thesis in Biology. Later, Fernando was awarded with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship of the EU. Fernando has worked in different research institutions either in Spain or abroad, in which he has participated in 40 research publications; 35 of those indexing in Scopus and 24 as first and/or last author (i.e. positions of value). All the publications include more than 25 different institutional affiliations, which indicates a high degree of collaboration of the researcher. Dr. Fernando Santos-Beneit has also disseminated his work through national and international scientific symposia, with more than 20 communications and 10 participations, as well as through invited talks in first class research institutions both in Spain and abroad, such as: the John Innes Centre in Norwich, the Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology in Newcastle, the Institute of Cardiology in Kaunas, the EMBL Life Sciences Center in Vilnius, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia in Barcelona and the CSIC Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics in Salamanca.